In case you're having issues of this kind, or you are dissatisfied in any way, please contact us. On occasion it takes some time for a watch face app to synchronize with your device.

Smart Watch Sync Software is compatible with all of the latest Android Wear devices including: Make sure that your device runs on Android Wear operative system, otherwise you won't be able to use our application.

Gear up with Smart Watch Sync Software, download the app to your phone and then sync software for smart watch. Wait a few seconds for the app to synchronize, be patient!.Or press hard the face of your smartwatch, wait for the list of skins to appear, and then find ours among them.You can either find the Android Wear application on your phone and select our watch face from the list.***Where to find the watch face you've chosen?*** Both round and square watch faces supported!.When you're done, sync the app with your device!.Choose what you want to be shown when your watch face is in ambient mode!.See the preview of each element combination!.Choose a background, different hand styles, markers and widget styles!.Choose all watch face elements separately!.Choose among beautiful preset skins and sync to your smartwatch!.Download smart watch application to your phone!.Choose square or round, define the hands style, select the widgets and – voila! – your very own design is ready! Download Smart Watch Sync Software this moment and show your taste!
Why having an analog watch for every occasion, when you can have one in total and synchronize it with your phone, and design it to fit your clothes combination? The rich collection of ready made skins packed in this smart watch application for for Android Wear™. Add to the fact that this free smart watch app allows you to be the creator of new smart watch faces by only combining the parts the way you like! Technology advances day after day, and you too should keep up with that pace, and wear your smart device dressed up in the best watch faces.
Have you ever wanted to know if you can you change a watch face for free and synchronize your wrist smart device with your phone? Well, with Smart Watch Sync Software you actually can! Astonishing backgrounds and stylish elements of high definition will satisfy all smart watch lovers' tastes.